We agree that great possibilities exist but with a degree of caution.
Your marketing and advertising budget may be costly, so it is imperative to get a good return on your investment. There are two probable concerns – getting stuck with an unfavorable testimonial online that is difficult to remove and actually getting enough current and potential patients to visit your website to justify your expenditure.
Alleviating Concerns
While PatientStudio is not a marketing company, some of its services will help address the two aforementioned concerns. Of course, getting positive patient testimonials onto social media and other websites is an excellent way to promote your practice. Unfortunately, one or more “bad reviews” may counteract 100 “good reviews.” Often, it is very time consuming and difficult to remove a “bad review” from showing up on the Internet. So, it is recommended that you understand before hiring a media consultant the control or lack of control the practice will have in determining which reviews get posted and where.
As one of its Standard Premium Forms, PatientStudio provides its clients with a “Patient Satisfaction Survey.” Rather than pay some company to place patient testimonials on social media or to chance that a “bad” review gets accidentally posted, we have developed a patient satisfaction survey that should be sent to patients after treatment. It has a two-fold purpose. First, it will allow you to analyze how patients perceive you, your staff, the facility and various services and make the appropriate changes when necessary. Secondly, it provides an easy path to posting individual and appropriate testimonials on your own website and social media.
Each question allows the patient to rate their degree of satisfaction from 1-5 and instantly calculates an overall percentage of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. After receiving a sufficient number of surveys back from your patients, you can post on your website and social media, “Our patients surveyed reported 96% satisfaction of our practice and staff.”
The survey form also allows the patient, if they wish, to provide a written testimonial, and an electronic signature is captured giving the practice permission to use it online.
Review a copy of the Patient Satisfaction Survey here
Emailed Internet newsletters can be very effective for patient engagement, patient retention and internal patient marketing. So can practice websites but with one major difference. Websites are “static” and are dependent upon the patient remembering to visit and then remembering how to get there.
eNewsletters are “proactive.” They are automatically sent each month to all your patients and contain various links, that, with one click will bring the patient to your website or your social media pages. When the newsletter is received, your patient is already on the internet, and more than likely, will utilize the links to check out these sites.
Read our whitepaper on eNewsletters and learn how to use them for promotions here