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Texting and Reminders

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Electronic Benefit Verification

Online Patient Forms


  • Writer's picturePatientStudio

Website Forms – Are They Working?

Website Forms - Are they

For the purpose of discussion, let’s define online patient forms. These are forms that are interactive; the patient should be able to type their information directly into the forms on the screen; the patient should be able to submit their completed forms to your practice securely with one click. True online forms are high tech and result in numerous advantages for the staff, patients and doctors.

So, if you use PDF or word document forms or paper forms, ask yourself this question, “How are they working for you?” Your front office staff should know the answer.

PatientStudio has been doing this for 10 years and we know the answers. Sending patients to your website to complete their forms slows down the process. You are depending upon them to remember in a timely manner. Many simply forget or type in the wrong URL and don’t have the completed forms when they show up for that first appointment.

Our research has shown that up to 25% of all patients who actually download the forms and fill them out forget to bring then to their first appointment. When they arrive, they are asked to complete forms again. They are annoyed even though it was their fault and the office schedule is already behind and late since the patient didn’t come in early.

Even the best possible scenario doesn’t work. The patient actually arrives with completed forms on the day of their appointment. Start the clock. How much time is wasted by not having the information ahead of time? The front office staff has to scan each page and they are scanning handwriting that is difficult if not impossible to read. The patient’s insurance may have to be validated. The staff and the doctor have to quickly read the forms, maybe make some notes and prepare to follow up with some questions to the patient.

Are you tired of “shooting yourself in the foot?” Let PatientStudio make life easier for you and your practice. For more information in greater depth follow this link form a white paper, “Online Patient Forms vs PDF Forms Online.”

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